Saturday 16 February 2008

The World of Robots

I found a book I bought 30 years ago from the Squirrel (?) book club at Junior School. It's a Piccolo Explorer Book called 'Exploring the World of Robots'. It's full of great visions of the future, such as the un-PC 'Maid without tears' robot servant, and other fantastic metal mickies.
After spending the last 2 days working from home, the following quote from this book caught my eye:

"One day people may not go out to work at all. They will work from home, using television and robots."

I'm starting to feel an urge to build and script a robot in Second Life. 'Tutor without tears?'.

1 comment:

Troy Mc said...

When I was in grade 3, my teacher told me and my fellow students that some day classes would be taught by robots.