Friday 29 February 2008

Possible Workshop stages using OpenSim and Second Life.

Here are some ideas about possible workshop stages using the various configurations of OpenSim and Second Life. I'm not sure if the timescale of the first pilot will permit all of these stages to be tested. Some of the stages might be more relevant to an extended pilot in phase 2.

OpenSim standalone - induction and individual building. Privacy. Simplicity. Reduced anxiety. Personal virtual studio space/work space.

OpenSim local network - collaborative building. Blended collaboration. Group privacy. Locally shared virtual studio/workshop.

OpenSim public grid - individual and collaborative building in limited public view. Tasks and structured activities. Open virtual studio/workshop.

Second Life - sign up - Identity, barriers, commercial service issues, technical issues - frequent problems with sign-up not working from within institutions due to reuse of same IP addresses confusing LL security safeguards.

Second Life - Induction - Orientation island. Habitat orientation for creators. Distributing funds to noobs (for texture uploading and avatar dressing).

Second Life - Identity - appearance - Creative personal expression. Don't look like a Noob.

Second Life - Familiarisation, socialisation, tours. Recording the experience. SL2Flickr. BlogHUD. HUD. Sleeds/e-portfolio tool.

Second Life - Individual and collaborative building in full public view. Public virtual studio/workshop. Subject specific - creation of art and design artifacts. Aesthetic judgement a factor in evaluating success of outputs. Building skills required. Good art/Bad art? Good design/bad design?

Second Life - Exhibiting work. Duplication and distribution. Selling work. Virtual worlds as an additional platform for creative outputs.

Second Life - Visualising knowledge in 3D. Cementing knowledge through building. Developing new understanding through building. Non-subject specific. Building skills required. Learning contained in the process of building/attempt to build. Artifacts provide evidence of learning. Aesthetics not criteria for evaluation of success. Art & design competence not important. Link with personal and professional development planning/documents. Link with constructivist learning theories and constructionist pedagogy.

Second Life - Sustaining engagement - why carry on? Wider benefits of learning through virtual environments and tools. Benefits for Real Life learning and creative development. Accelerated learning? Accelerated creative development? Simulation production processes. More efficient active learning and creative development through less restricted production. (lower costs and less support needed than conventional workshops and studios = more active learning possible is a shorter time scale). MUVEs as tools for simulating and accelerating creative practice.

1 comment:

David White said...

This will be a good basis for our pilot design meeting next week.